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As we continue to refine and implement our compensation structure, we want to clarify the use of the salary bands provided. The salary bands are intended to serve as general guidelines, offering a framework within which we can evaluate and compensate various roles within the organization.

However, it is important to note that the job descriptions associated with these bands may not always align perfectly with the specific duties and responsibilities of every position. It is the responsibility of both the supervisor and HR to carefully assess the scope of work, job complexity, and other relevant factors to ensure that compensation is appropriately adjusted to reflect the true nature of the role.

Please ensure that any discrepancies between job descriptions and actual responsibilities are discussed and resolved in collaboration with HR, to maintain fairness and equity in our compensation practices.

Instructions for Supervisors

  • Complete all sections of the survey with accurate and detailed information including the information requested in each numbered item.
  • Attach any supporting documentation to substantiate the request.

Detailed Justification

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Attach any relevant documents to support the wage increase request (e.g., performance reviews, letters of commendation, market salary data).

Wage Information

Clear Signature