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We are thrilled to share some exciting news that marks a significant milestone in our company’s journey. In response to our continued growth and commitment to fostering a collaborative and dynamic work environment, we are expanding and investing in additional office space.

Our Uneeke division has been flourishing, and we are dedicated to providing the best possible workspace with the opportunity for expansion and more growth for our manufacturing team.

To ensure a more conducive work environment, we are moving the MCON business to a C-Suite office located 6 minutes east of our current location.

We are excited to announce a new location that includes:

  1. 18,000 square feet C-Suite offices space that will allow us to sublet half of that space.
  2. Uneeke Manufacturing and the R&R division of Southam will occupy the entire 572 E 1700 S location and will be used exclusively for Manufacturing and the Repair and Remodel group.
  3. Operations, Sales, Drafting, and Logistics will move from the warehouse offices into the main offices at 572 E.
  4. This expansion opens up possibilities for exciting growth and development.

Please know that we are fully committed to making this transition as smooth as possible for all employees. We understand that change can be challenging, but we believe that this move is a positive step toward securing a brighter future all of our companies and everyone associated with them.